To My Chagrin (2003)

To My Chagrin matches Shaw with drummer Vivian Stoll to create a tender rock n’ roll lullaby from a cross-dressing grandma to her mixed-race grandson. Shaw investigates lineage and what it means to be a grandbutchmother, looking at the complications of lineage in a racist, sexist, homophobic and classist world. An old run down pick up truck, R&B soul classics, and video projects of her beloved grandson make for a piece of rowdy humor and social criticism. 

Peggy Shaw
Peggy Shaw and Vivian Stoll
Vivian Stoll
Lois Weaver

In Collaboration with:
Edited and Directed:

To My Chagrin was first performed at Jump Start, in San Antonio (2001), where it was directed by Steve Bailey. It was subsequently performed at the Off Center in Austin Texas, and then as PS122 in New York, where it was directed by Lois Weaver. To My Chagrin brought Peggy new partnerships, and receiving a Rockefeller MAP grant to create the performance made her more visible to academics and institutions.

To My Chagrin was co-produced by Dixon Place and Performance Space New York.